DVD-3 Consonant Energy

Main Menu for DVD-3
with links to four Sub-Menus.
Below are menus for:
Guide to Consonants and
Practice Material

List of Operative Words.

Operative Words
practiced in sentences.

Consonant Energy

Consonants have tremendous Musical Values that often go undiscovered in untrained speakers. Realizing these musical values makes your speech more sonorous and more persuasive. For the ESL student they are important keys to gaining American rhythm patterns and intonations. For example, learning to sustain the legato qualities in the "N" and the "M" is very pleasing and musical, and brings forth a fullness to your speech. For speakers from countries where the native language is spoken in a more staccato rhythm, the very act of just lengthening their "N's" and "M's" will alter their overall tempo-rhythm. The results will be much closer to the music of American speech.

Critically acclaimed Animations introduce each of the consonants.
Animations show: Tongue Movement and Points of Contact for Feeling or Vibration.
Introduced here, is the Voiced 'N'.
Yellow indicates where Vibration is felt, in the Tongue Blade, Upper Gumridge, Nose Bone,
and Vocal Cords.

N Word List

GREEN letters are Legato or Sustainable Consonants. Green for "Go".

 N Sentences
1) Playing the Consonants for
Full Musical Value


2) Using the Consonants to
Support the Meaning

Animation for D
Play this D drumbeat on the springing away of the tongue from the upper gumridge. Feel a pulsation in the tongue.

D Word List

RED letters are Staccato or Plosive Consonants. Red for "Stop".

D Sentences
1) Playing the Consonants for
Full Musical Value


2) Using the Consonants to
Support the Meaning

Animation for GD
Still picture at Right, shows the
first drumbeat G,
which will move into a
second drumbeat D.

GD Word List

Feel each drumbeat as a separate event.
Feel the double tap-tap.

GD Sentences
1) Playing the Consonants for
Full Musical Value


2) Using the Consonants to
Support the Meaning

A Black Background Title Card
separates each segment in the program,
for easy indexing.

Contents of Consonant Energy

Overview of Consonants

N / M / V / F / Z / S

B / B-V / P / D / T

T as D / G / K

PT / KT / GD / BD

More Consonant Energy

The Consonants are traditionally recognized as the sounds which shape and articulate our speech. When someone is said to have "sloppy speech" or is hard to understand, generally it is because they have underplayed consonants. At the other end of the scale are speakers who are overly precise, sometimes described as "clipped speech". Some ESL speakers, in their diligent efforts to "speak clearly", will give too hard a treatment to some consonants.
People learning ESL need to clearly distinguish between the Voiced and Unvoiced pairs of consonants, like "B" and "P". Most ESL learners need to work on getting more vocal cord vibration into their Voiced Consonants. The Animations showing points of contact with the lips, the teeth, the tongue, the gums, and the hard palate will not only help your articulation, but will conduct strong vocal cord vibration. The results will be consonants that are both strong and sweet.

Animation of DG
A combination of the D drumbeat
with the ZH resonance.
DG Word List
Use a light, quick, energetic staccato treatment.
DG Sentences
1) Playing the Consonants for
Full Musical Value


2) Using the Consonants to
Support the Meaning

Animation of DZ
Press the tongue against the upper gumridge for the D drumbeat and peel the tip down a bit as the Z vibrates just before the tongue springs away.
DZ Word List
Use a light staccato treatment--
without sustaining the Z.
DZ Sentences
1) Playing the Consonants for
Full Musical Value


2) Using the Consonants to
Support the Meaning

Contents of More Consonants
TH / TH / SH / ZH

NG / NK / NG

L / W / Y / R / H

DG / CH / DZ / TS


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